Defining a blog service

Let's begin by defining our blog service in a Thrift file.

What you need

No preparation is required for this step. Do check that you've prepared the prerequisites.

1. Create a Thrift file

Create a Thrift file, blog.thrift in the {project_root}/src/main/thrift folder as follows. You can see the full version of the file here.

namespace java

2. Define a service

Let's define our blog service in the blog.thrift file. We'll add structs, an exception, and service methods.

  1. Add the BlogPost struct.

    struct BlogPost {
      1: i32 id;
      2: string title;
      3: string content;
      4: i64 createdAt;
      5: i64 modifiedAt;
  2. Add structs for request and response objects as follows.

    struct CreateBlogPostRequest {
      1: string title;
      2: string content;
    struct GetBlogPostRequest {
      1: i32 id;
    struct ListBlogPostsRequest {
      1: bool descending;
    struct ListBlogPostsResponse {
      1: list<BlogPost> blogs;
    struct UpdateBlogPostRequest {
      1: i32 id;
      2: string title;
      3: string content;
    struct DeleteBlogPostRequest {
      1: i32 id;
  3. Add the BlogNotFoundException.

    exception BlogNotFoundException {
      1: string reason
  4. Add a service with methods for create, read, update, and delete operations.

    service BlogService {
      BlogPost createBlogPost(1:CreateBlogPostRequest request),
      BlogPost getBlogPost(1:GetBlogPostRequest request) throws (1:BlogNotFoundException e),
      ListBlogPostsResponse listBlogPosts(1:ListBlogPostsRequest request),
      BlogPost updateBlogPost(1:UpdateBlogPostRequest request) throws (1:BlogNotFoundException e),
      void deleteBlogPost(1:DeleteBlogPostRequest request) throws (1:BlogNotFoundException e),

3. Compile the Thrift file

Compile the blog.thrift file to generate Java code. You can refer to the full build.gradle file for generating code with Gradle Thrift Plugin.

./gradlew compileThrift

You'll see the generated Java code in the {project_root}/build/generated-sources/thrift/gen-java/example/armeria/blog/thrift/ folder.

Next step

In this step, we've defined a Thrift file for our service and generated Java code. Next, we'll run a service and test the connection.