Implementing READ operation
Table of contents
- What you need
- 1. Implement server-side
- 2. Test retrieving a single post
- 4. Test an error case
- 5. Test retrieving multiple posts
- What's next
In the earlier step, we created blog posts. In this step, we'll implement a read operation and make a call to read blog posts. We'll write two service methods, one for reading a single post and another for multiple posts.
What you need
You need to have the following files obtained from previous steps. You can always download the full version, instead of creating one yourself.
- Generated Java code
1. Implement server-side
Let's write two methods for retrieving blog posts; one for a single post and another for multiple posts.
Add a service method in
to retrieve a single post.
public final class BlogService extends BlogServiceGrpc.BlogServiceImplBase {
public void getBlogPost(GetBlogPostRequest request, StreamObserver<BlogPost> responseObserver) {
final BlogPost blogPost = blogPosts.get(request.getId());
if (blogPost == null) {
Status.NOT_FOUND.withDescription("The blog post does not exist. ID: " + request.getId())
} else {
2. Test retrieving a single post
Let's test if we can retrieve a blog post we created.
In the
class, add a test method to retrieve the first blog post with ID0 void getBlogPost() throws JsonProcessingException { final BlogPost blogPost = client.getBlogPost(GetBlogPostRequest.newBuilder().setId(0).build()); assertThat(blogPost.getTitle()).isEqualTo("My first blog"); assertThat(blogPost.getContent()).isEqualTo("Hello Armeria!"); }
Add annotations to configure the order our test methods will be executed. The annotations guarantee that the first blog post will be created in the
method before we try to retrieve it in thegetBlogPost()
method.BlogServiceTest.javaimport org.junit.jupiter.api.MethodOrderer.OrderAnnotation; import org.junit.jupiter.api.Order; import org.junit.jupiter.api.TestMethodOrder; @TestMethodOrder(OrderAnnotation.class) // Add this class BlogServiceTest { ... @Test @Order(1) // Add this void createBlogPost() throws JsonProcessingException { ... } @Test @Order(2) // Add this void getBlogPost() throws JsonProcessingException { ... } }
Run all the test cases on your IDE or using Gradle.
Your client retrieved a blog post from the server successfully if the test is passed.
4. Test an error case
Let's try retrieving a blog post that does not exist. Add a test method to retrieve a blog post with an invalid ID, asserting an exception is thrown.
void getInvalidBlogPost() throws JsonProcessingException {
final Throwable exception = catchThrowable(() -> {
final StatusRuntimeException statusException = (StatusRuntimeException) exception;
.hasMessageContaining("The blog post does not exist. ID: " + Integer.MAX_VALUE);
Run all the test cases on your IDE or using Gradle. Check that you see the test is passed.
5. Test retrieving multiple posts
Finally, let's test if we can retrieve multiple posts. Add a test method like the following to create the second blog post and test retrieving the list of blog posts.
void listBlogPosts() throws JsonProcessingException {
final CreateBlogPostRequest newBlogPost = CreateBlogPostRequest.newBuilder()
.setTitle("My second blog")
.setContent("Armeria is awesome!")
final ListBlogPostsResponse
response = client.listBlogPosts(ListBlogPostsRequest.newBuilder()
final List<BlogPost> blogs = response.getBlogsList();
final BlogPost firstBlog = blogs.get(0);
assertThat(firstBlog.getTitle()).isEqualTo("My first blog");
assertThat(firstBlog.getContent()).isEqualTo("Hello Armeria!");
final BlogPost secondBlog = blogs.get(1);
assertThat(secondBlog.getTitle()).isEqualTo("My second blog");
assertThat(secondBlog.getContent()).isEqualTo("Armeria is awesome!");
Run all the test cases on your IDE or using Gradle. Check that you see the test is passed.
What's next
In this step, we've implemented service methods to retrieve blog posts.
Next, at Step 5. Implement UPDATE, we'll implement an UPDATE operation to update a blog post.