Preparing a data object

Before we get into writing a blog service, first prepare a data object to contain blog post information. This object is used also in handling requests and sending responses.

If you want a quick start, skip this step and copy off the of the sample service code.

What you need

No preparation is required for this step.

1. Define blog post data

Our blog service needs a container for blog post information. Let's define a BlogPost class containing the following information.


public final class BlogPost {
  private final int id;           // The post ID
  private final String title;     // The post title
  private final String content;   // The post content
  private final long createdAt;   // The time post is created at
  private final long modifiedAt;  // The time post is modified at

2. Add constructors

You need to create a blog post instance when you create or update blog posts. Let's add constructors in the BlogPost class.
BlogPost(int id, String title, String content) {
  this(id, title, content, System.currentTimeMillis());

BlogPost(int id, String title, String content, long createdAt) {
  this(id, title, content, createdAt, createdAt);

BlogPost(int id, String title, String content, long createdAt, long modifiedAt) { = id;
  this.title = title;
  this.content = content;
  this.createdAt = createdAt;
  this.modifiedAt = modifiedAt;

3. Add getters

Add the following block of code in the blog service.

public final class BlogPost {

  public int getId() { return id; }

  public String getTitle() { return title; }

  public String getContent() { return content; }

  public long getCreatedAt() { return createdAt; }

  public long getModifiedAt() { return modifiedAt; }

What's next?

In this step, we've implemented a data object specifying and containing blog post objects.

Next, at Step 3. Add services to a server, we'll write and add an empty service to the server we created earlier.