1.8.0 release notes

14th May 2021

🌟 New features

  • You can now create a HealthChecker that updates its healthiness periodically. #3392 #3406

    HealthChecker.of(() -> {
        HealthCheckStatus status = ...;
    }, Duration.ofSeconds(5));
  • You can now create a propagating ContextAwareExecutorService and ContextAwareScheduledExecutorService using RequestContext.makeContextPropagating(ExecutorService) and RequestContext.makeContextPropagating(ScheduledExecutorService). The executors propagate a RequestContext to submitted tasks when a submission thread is a request-context-aware thread. #3483

    ExecutorService myExecutor = Executors.newSingleThreadExecutor();
    ExecutorService contextAwareExecutor = RequestContext.makeContextPropagating(myExecutor);
    // Make sure the current thread is a request-context-aware thread
    RequestContext ctx = RequestContext.current();
    contextAwareExecutor.execute(() -> {
        assert RequestContext.current() == ctx;
  • You can now set a maximum allowed length of a server response in the request level using WebClientRequestPreparation.maxResponseLength(). #3565

    WebClient client = ...;
  • You can now add or set HTTP headers and query params with java.util.Map. #3499 #3502

        .add(Map.of("foo", "1"))
        .set(Map.of("bar", "2"));
               .add(Map.of("page", "1"))
               .set(Map.of("size", "2"));
  • You can now disable DNS query metrics using DnsResolverGroupBuilder.disableDnsQueryMetrics(). #3368 #3552

                 .domainNameResolverCustomizer(customizer -> {
  • You can now create a JSON Lines response using JsonLines. #3446 #3456

    Publisher<MyObject> publisher = StreamMessage.of(new MyObject(...), new MyObject(...), ...);
    HttpReponse response = JsonLines.fromPublisher(publisher);
  • You can now create an RpcRequest with a service name using RpcRequest.of(). #3537

  • You can now customize MetricCollectingService with MetricCollectingServiceConfigurator when using Spring integration. #3536

    public MetricCollectingServiceConfigurator metricCollectingServiceConfigurator() {
        return builder -> builder
                .successFunction((context, log) -> {
                    final int statusCode = log.responseHeaders().status().code();
                    return (statusCode >= 200 && statusCode < 400) || statusCode == 404;

📈 Improvements

🛠️ Bug fixes

  • Armeria server now correctly sends Connection: close header on an invalid HTTP/1 request. #3506
  • You no longer see an infinity loop or an IllegalStateException: Recurse update when invalidating a DNS cache. #3528
  • LoggingService now correctly logs a request failed with the server error class(5xx) that is served by TransientService. #3551 #3559
  • You no longer see trailing dollar signs from a service name. #3508
  • You no longer see a NullPointerException when a request times out. #3564

⛓ Dependencies

  • Caffeine 2.9.0 -> 2.9.1
  • Dropwizard Metrics 4.1.20 -> 4.1.21
  • java-jwt 3.15.0 -> 3.16.0
  • Micrometer 1.6.6 -> 1.7.0
    • Note that PrometheusMeterRegistry will work with the Prometheus simpleclient dependency version 0.10.0 or later only. See Micrometer 1.7.0 release note for more information.
  • Reactor 3.4.5 -> 3.4.6
  • scala-collection-compat 2.4.3 -> 2.4.4
  • scala-java8-compat 0.9.1 -> 1.0.0
  • Spring 5.3.6 -> 5.3.7

🙇 Thank you