Armeria Newsletter vol. 1
3rd July 2020
Table of contents

Do you remember we once told you Armeria 1.0.0 will be out around the end of 2019? It's already 50% past 2020, COVID-19 still strays around the city, and we have yet a few issues in our ever-growing backlog for the next release. Nevertheless, I feel like 1.0.0 is really close this time. Así es la vida! 😅 — @trustin
From the devs
- We now have our own domain,! 🌟
- Armeria 0.99.8, 0.99.7 and 0.99.6
have been released.
- New
API let you define a complex circuit breaking policy conveniently. - You can now specify the maximum lifespan of server-side connections using
. This is useful when you have to deal with a load balancer without HTTP/2 support. - Service discovery and registration for Curator Service Discovery and Finagle ServerSets.
- ScalaPB support with a fully working example.
- New
From the community
- Using Reactive Streams with Armeria - Part 1
and Part 2
- @ikhoon introduces the basic concepts of Reactive Streams, and explains how you can use Reactive Streams
with Armeria, including the details about:
- How to handle backpressure - observer pattern, push method and pull method
- How Reactive Streams API works -
, andSubscription
- How to interoperate between different Reactive Streams impls, such as Reactor and RxJava
- Cool Armeria features that help you implement a microservice
- @ikhoon introduces the basic concepts of Reactive Streams, and explains how you can use Reactive Streams
with Armeria, including the details about:
- LINE Bot API with Armeria
- @carlsagan21 shows how his team uses Armeria for Thrift and gRPC services in an Envoy-based service mesh.
We need your comments
Your opinion means a lot to us. Please let us know what you think about these proposals:
- #2793 Which nullness annotation library should we use? Stick to JSR-305, or use JetBrains Java annotations?
- #2862 Should
? What's the best way to handle reference-counted objects and their access?
Good first issues
Want to contribute but not sure where to start from? Try one of these:
- #1934
fails when a home directory hasindex.html
. - #2119 Override new
methods in Java 12 forContextAwareFuture
Stay tuned
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