1.12.0 release notes
7th October 2021
🌸 Highlights
You can now enable HTTP/JSON to GRPC transcoding in your
. #3786GrpcService.builder() .addService(helloService) .enableHttpJsonTranscoding(true) // 👈👈👈 .build();
🌟 New features
You can now bind a virtual host to a specific port. #3798 #3833
Server.builder() .http(8080) .http(18080) // Bind the virtual host to 18080 port. .virtualHost(18080).service("/health", healthCheckService) // 👈👈👈 .serviceUnder("/secret/", secretService) .and() ...
You can now customize any HTTP error status responses including a decoder-level error and
. #3822 #3853ServerBuilder sb = ... sb.errorHandler(new ServerErrorHandler() { @Override public HttpResponse onServiceException(ServiceRequestContext ctx, Throwable cause) { // Convert an error that is raised in a service or a decorator. if (cause instanceof IllegalArgumentException) { return HttpResponse.of(HttpStatus.BAD_REQUEST); } ... } @Override public AggregatedHttpResponse onProtocolViolation(ServiceConfig config, HttpStatus status, @Nullable String description, @Nullable Throwable cause) { // Convert the decoder-level error. if (status == HttpStatus.REQUEST_ENTITY_TOO_LARGE) { return AggregatedHttpResponse.of(HttpStatus.BAD_REQUEST); } ... } @Override public AggregatedHttpResponse renderStatus(ServiceConfig config, HttpStatus status, @Nullable String description, @Nullable Throwable cause) { // Convert the given error status and cause. ... } })
You can now share
. #3478 #3753 #3860ConcurrencyLimit limit = ConcurrencyLimit.of(64); // Can send 64 requests concurrently. WebClient client1 = WebClient .builder(...) .decorator(ConcurrencyLimitingClient.newDecorator(limit)) .build(...); WebClient client2 = WebClient .builder(...) .decorator(ConcurrencyLimitingClient.newDecorator(limit)) // different options ... .build(...);
You can now allow all headers in
from a preflight request usingCorsServiceBuilder.allowAllRequestHeaders()
. #3839 #3843ServerBuilder sb = ... sb.service("/cors", myService.decorate(CorsService.builder("http://example.com") .allowRequestMethods(HttpMethod.GET) .allowAllRequestHeaders(true) // 👈👈👈 .newDecorator()));
- Specifying
does not work with certain browsers so you should useCorsServiceBuilder.allowAllRequestHeaders()
to allow all headers.
- Specifying
You can now sanitize the preview of a request or a response. #3791 #3795
ContentPreviewingService.builder(ContentPreviewerFactory.text(100)) .requestPreviewSanitizer(requestPreviewSanitizer) // 👈👈👈 .responsePreviewSanitizer(responsePreviewSanitizer) // 👈👈👈 .newDecorator();
A compressed file is automatically decompressed if
is set totrue
. #3804 #3810FileService.builder(FileServiceBuilderTest.class.getClassLoader(), "/") .serveCompressedFiles(true) // This should be set to true to serve compressed files. .autoDecompress(true) // 👈👈👈 .build();
You can now send a delayed
. #3698 #3770Supplier<HttpResponse> responseSupplier = ... HttpResponse.delayed(responseSupplier, Duration.ofSeconds(5)); // 👈👈👈
You can now specify different blocking task executors for different
. #3740 #3754Server.builder() .route() .get("/foo") .blockingTaskExecutor(fooExecutor) // 👈👈👈 .build(fooService) .route() .get("/bar") .blockingTaskExecutor(barExecutor) // 👈👈👈 .build(barService) .build()
You can now specify an
when building aHealthCheckedEndpointGroup
. #3809HealthCheckedEndpointGroup.builder(endpointGroup, "/health") .auth(AuthToken.ofOAuth2("...")) .build();
You can now export different properties for different
to log with Logback. #3775 #3769// logback.xml <appender name="RCEA1" class="com.linecorp.armeria.common.logback.RequestContextExportingAppender"> ... <export>remote.ip</export> </appender> <appender name="RCEA2" class="com.linecorp.armeria.common.logback.RequestContextExportingAppender"> ... <export>remote.port</export> </appender>
You can now log HTTP/2 frames using the frame loggers. #3817
<!-- logback.xml --> <logger name="com.linecorp.armeria.logging.traffic.server.http2" level="TRACE" /> <logger name="com.linecorp.armeria.logging.traffic.client.http2" level="TRACE" />
- You can now use
to map a non-OK gRPC status to anHttpResponse
in an unframed gRPC service. #3777 #3782GrpcService.builder() .addService(grpcService) .enableUnframedRequests(true) // This should be set to true to enable UnframedGrpcService. .unframedGrpcErrorHandler(UnframedGrpcErrorHandler.of()) // 👈👈👈 .build();
- You can now use Kotlin Flow as a return type in an annotated service.
#3756 #3768
@Get("/members") @ProducesJson fun listMembers() = flow { // 👈👈👈 emit(Member(name = "foo", age = 10)) emit(Member(name = "bar", age = 20)) emit(Member(name = "baz", age = 30)) }
Spring integration
- You can now configure an internal port with a Spring property file. #3798 #3833
armeria: ports: - port: 8080 internal-services: # Prometheus exposition and health check service will be # exposed to 18080 port. The requests to 8080 port will return 404 Not Found. include: metrics, health port: 18080 # 👈👈👈 protocols: http
- You can now specify all parameters of
with a Spring property file. #3705 #3735armeria: ports: - port: 0 max-num-connections: 8 idle-timeout: 2s ping-interval: 1s max-connection-age: 4s max-num-requests-per-connection: 4 http2-initial-connection-window-size: 2mb http2-initial-stream-window-size: 4mb http2-max-streams-per-connection: 1 ...
- You can now specify a
when building aGraphQlService
. #3708 #3815GraphQLSchema schema = ... sb.service("/graphql", GraphqlService.builder() .schema(schema) // 👈👈👈 ... .build());
📃 Documentation
- You can now learn how to write a streaming response using backpressure. #3397 #3847
📈 Improvements
is now automatically propagated to other dispatchers over Kotlin Coroutines when using annotated and gRPC services. #3745 #3849JettyService
can now run the Servlets that depends on the TLS attributes. #3850
🛠️ Bug fixes
doesn't raise anIllegalStateException
anymore afterServer.reconfigure()
is called. #3853- The
is complete on the server-side even when an exception is raised and deferred values are not set. #3823 ResponseConverterFunctionProvider
now correctly works for suspending functions whose return type isHttpResult
in Kotlin. #3844%2F
are no longer converted to/
when decoding a request path. #3855ExceptionHandlerFunction
of an annotated service now correctly handles exceptions raised by service decorators. #3835- You can now correctly send additional response headers even if the request has failed. #3836
- The
is complete on the server-side even when an exception is raised and deferred values are not set. #3823 - The failed request to a
is now logged properly. #3818 - You no longer see a pseudo request header in a response headers. #3801
- You no longer see a
when a server gracefully shut down an HTTP/2 connection. #3825 - A response headers of a
is now correctly sent when the first response frame is sent. #3856 GrpcService
now correctly invokesServer.Listener
in order. #3805- gRPC client calls are now closed exactly once. #3799 #3800
- Throwing an
now overrides the gRPC status code and description as expected. #3838
🏚️ Deprecations
is deprecated. #3813- Use
- Use
☢️ Breaking changes
is now gone. #3853- Use
- Use
⛓ Dependencies
- Bucket4j 6.2.0 → 6.3.0
- Dropwizard 2.0.24 → 2.0.25
- Dropwizard metrics 4.2.3 → 4.2.4
- GraphQL-Java 17.1 → 17.3
- gRPC-Java 1.40.1 → 1.41.0
- Jackson 2.12.4 → 2.13.0
- java-jwt 3.18.1 → 3.18.2
- Kotlin 1.5.10 → 1.5.21
- Kafka 2.8.0 -> 3.0.0
- Kotlin 1.5.21 → 1.5.31
- Kotlin Coroutines 1.5.1 → 1.5.2
- Logback 1.2.5 → 1.2.6
- Micrometer 1.7.3 → 1.7.4
- Netty 4.1.66 → 4.1.68
- netty-tcnative-boringssl-static 2.0.40 → 2.0.43
- Prometheus simpleclient 0.11.0 → 0.12.0
- Reactor 3.4.9 → 3.4.10
- RESTEasy 4.7.1 → 4.7.2
- RxJava 3.1.0 → 3.1.1
- scala-java8-compat 1.0.0 → 1.0.1
- Spring 5.3.9 → 5.3.10
- Spring Boot 2.5.4 → 2.5.5
- Thrift 0.14.2 → 0.15.0
- Tomcat 9.0.46 → 9.0.53