0.83.0 release notes

29th March 2019

New features

  • You can now configure TLS for Armeria server when using armeria-spring-boot-autoconfigure. #1663

    # Your application.yml
         - port: 8080
           protocols: HTTP
         - ip:
           port: 8081
           protocols: HTTP
         - port: 8443
           protocols: HTTPS
         key-alias: "host.name.com"
         key-store: "keystore.jks"
         key-store-password: "changeme"
         trust-store: "truststore.jks"
         trust-store-password: "changeme"
  • Now, you have enough information to determine the status of a Thrift endpoint with InvalidResponseHeadersException. #1668

  • EventLoopThread now implements NonBlocking tag interface using in Project Reactor. #1665

    • Schedulers.isInNonBlockingThread() returns true when you call in the Armeria EventLoops.


Bug fixes

  • The request body form is now shown when the HTTP method is POST or PUT in DocService. #1667
  • You can now use the HttpHeaderNames.PREFER again. #1669
  • IllegalReferenceCountException is no longer raised when you enable content previews on the client-side. #1690
  • The request is no longer sent automatically but submitted only by clicking the submit button in DocService. #1689

Breaking Change

  • doStart() and doStop() methods in StartStopSupport now take a parameter which might be used as a startup and shutdown argument.
    • Listener notification methods take a parameter as well. #1673 #1675


  • Netty TCNative BoringSSL 2.0.22.Final -> 2.0.23.Final
  • Project Reactor 3.2.6 -> 3.2.8
  • RxJava 2.2.7 -> 2.2.8
  • Tomcat 9.0.16 -> 9.0.17, 8.5.38 -> 8.5.39