Browsing and invoking services with DocService

DocService is a single-page web application which provides the following useful features:

  • Browsing the list of gRPC, Thrift or annotated services and their operations available in the server
  • Invoking a service operation from a web form
  • Creating a permalink for the invocation you've made

First, add DocService to the ServerBuilder:

import com.linecorp.armeria.common.grpc.GrpcSerializationFormats;
import com.linecorp.armeria.server.ServerBuilder;
import com.linecorp.armeria.server.thrift.THttpService;

ServerBuilder sb = Server.builder();

// Add a Thrift service which implements 'ThriftHelloService'.
sb.service("/hello", THttpService.of(new MyThriftHelloService()));

// Add a gRPC service which implements 'GrpcHelloService'.
// Unlike Thrift, you must enable unframed requests explicitly.
                      .addService(new MyGrpcHelloService())
// Add an annotated HTTP service.
sb.annotatedService("/service", new MyAnnotatedService());
// Add a DocService which scans all Thrift and gRPC services added to the server.
sb.serviceUnder("/docs", new DocService());
Server server =;

Open in your web browser and you'll see the following screen:

docservice 1

The left pane of the screen shows the list of the available services and their operations. If you defined structs, enums or exceptions, they will appear there as well. If you click the hello() operation, the right pane will show the details of the operation such as the list of the parameters, the return type and the exceptions which may be thrown:

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As you may have noticed, the 'description' column is empty. DocService can even show the docstrings you put into your .thrift or .proto files with a little bit of build configuration. We will visit this later in this document.

Debug form

Now, scroll down the right pane. You'll find a 'debug form' which enables you to send an RPC request in human-friendly JSON format:

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Type the request parameters like the following and click the 'Submit to: /hello' button:

  "name": "Armeria"

The result pane right next to the text area you entered the JSON request will show the reply in JSON:

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The current location of your web browser should be updated like the following:


Imagine you build a request that reproduces the problem using the debug form and share the URL of the request with your colleagues. It's way more convenient than traditional workflow for replaying an RPC request.

Sending HTTP headers

You may want to send an additional HTTP header such as authorization when sending an RPC request via a debug form. Click the 'Edit additional HTTP headers' link below the text area, and you'll see another text area which allows you to specify the HTTP headers you want to add:

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Including and excluding service methods

You can include or exclude service methods using DocServiceFilter when building a DocService with a DocServiceBuilder:


ServerBuilder sb = Server.builder();
sb.serviceUnder("/docs", DocService.builder()
                                   // Include Thrift services and Annotated services.
                                   // Exclude the method whose name is "foo" in Thrift services.

The inclusion rule is as follows:

  • No include(DocServiceFilter) and exclude(DocServiceFilter) is called: include all methods.
  • Only exclude(DocServiceFilter) is called: include all methods except the methods which the exclusion filter returns true.
  • Only include(DocServiceFilter) is called: include the methods which the inclusion filter returns true.
  • include(DocServiceFilter) and exclude(DocServiceFilter) is called: include the methods which the inclusion filter returns true and the exclusion filter returns false.

Example requests and headers

You can specify the example requests and HTTP headers which will be used as the default value of the debug form with a DocServiceBuilder:

import com.linecorp.armeria.common.HttpHeaders;
import static com.linecorp.armeria.common.HttpHeaderNames.AUTHORIZATION;

ServerBuilder sb = Server.builder();
              // HTTP headers for all services
              .exampleHeaders(HttpHeaders.of(AUTHORIZATION, "bearer b03c4fed1a"))
              // Thrift example request for 'ThriftHelloService.hello()'
              .exampleRequests(List.of(new ThriftHelloService.hello_args("Armeria")))
              // gRPC example request for 'GrpcHelloService.Hello()'
              .exampleRequests(GrpcHelloServiceGrpc.SERVICE_NAME, "Hello", // Method name

By adding examples to DocService, your users will be able to play with the services you wrote without a hassle and thus will understand them sooner and better.

Adding docstrings

Configure your build script so that it generates the required metadata file for your .thrift or .proto files into the specific location in the class path.

For Thrift

  • Use the --gen json option to generate the .json file that contains the docstrings.
  • Put the generated .json file into the META-INF/armeria/thrift directory.

For gRPC

  • Configure the protobuf plugin to generate the .dsc file that contains the docstrings and put it into the META-INF/armeria/grpc directory:

    protobuf {
        generateProtoTasks {
            all().each { task ->
                task.generateDescriptorSet = true
                task.descriptorSetOptions.includeSourceInfo = true
                task.descriptorSetOptions.includeImports = true
                task.descriptorSetOptions.path =

For annotated service

Using @Description annotation:

import com.linecorp.armeria.server.annotation.Description;

@Description(value = "### A service that provides user information.", markup=Markup.MARKDOWN)
public class UserService {

    @Description("Retrieves the user information by the given user ID.")
    public User getUser(
          @Param("id") @Description("the user ID") String id,
          @Param("userType") @Description("the user type") UserType userType
    ) { ... }


public class User {
    @Description("User Identification")
    private String id;

    @Description("User name")
    private String name;

@Description(value = "flowchart LR\n" +
                     " ADMIN --- USER",
             markup = Markup.MERMAID)
public enum UserType {
    @Description(value = "`Admin` type", markup = Markup.MARKDOWN)
    @Description(value = "`User` type", markup = Markup.MARKDOWN)

Using JavaDoc:

This only works with method parameters. To enable it, you have to add the armeria annotation processor to your project:

dependencies {
    compileOnly 'com.linecorp.armeria:armeria-annotation-processor'
    annotationProcessor 'com.linecorp.armeria:armeria-annotation-processor'